Pheej yig PriceList for Gas Hob Spare Parts Sabaf Burners

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Qhov no 2 burner gas qhov cub nta honeycomb cam khwb cia hlau burner, muab hluav taws muaj zog rau kev ua noj ceev.Tsis tas li ntawd, nrog kev sib tw nqi kom zoo dua, nws yog kub-muag qauv hauv ntau lub khw.

Warranty:1 xya

Daim ntawv pov thawjDaim ntawv pov thawj: ISO9001: 2015;SGS EN30;COC;SNI

OEM Chaw tsim tshuaj pausrau13 xyoo

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Peb khaws cia zoo dua thiab ua kom tiav peb cov khoom thiab kev pabcuam.Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, peb ua txoj haujlwm nquag los ua kev tshawb fawb thiab kev txhim kho rau Cheap PriceList for Gas Hob Spare Parts Sabaf Burners, Peb zoo siab tos txais cov neeg tuaj tshiab thiab yav dhau los los ntawm txhua qhov chaw ntawm lub neej los tiv tauj peb rau cov tuam txhab lag luam mus sij hawm ntev thiab ncav cuag kev vam meej!
Peb khaws cia zoo dua thiab ua kom tiav peb cov khoom thiab kev pabcuam.Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, peb ua txoj haujlwm nquag los tshawb fawb thiab txhim kho rauTuam Tshoj Aluminium Burner thiab Aluminium Gas Burner nqe, "Zoo zoo, Kev pabcuam zoo" yog ib txwm peb lub tswv yim thiab kev ntseeg siab.Peb ua txhua yam los tswj qhov zoo, pob, ntawv thiab lwm yam thiab peb QC yuav xyuas txhua yam thaum tsim khoom thiab ua ntej xa khoom.Peb tau txaus siab los tsim kom muaj kev sib raug zoo ntawm kev lag luam ntev nrog txhua tus neeg uas nrhiav cov khoom zoo thiab cov kev pabcuam zoo.Peb tau teeb tsa kev muag khoom thoob plaws hauv cov tebchaws nyob sab Europe, North of America, South of America, Middle East, Africa, East Asia lub teb chaws.Thov hu rau peb tam sim no, koj yuav pom peb cov kev paub dhau los thiab qib siab zoo yuav pab txhawb rau koj. kev lag luam.

Cov duab ntxaws

Qauv: RD-GD048-1

100mm cam khwb cia hlau honeycomb burner, xim xaiv: kub, nyiaj, dub

PP dub pob qhov rooj & rooj sab saum toj roj qhov cub

Qauv: RD-GD048-2
Qauv: RD-GD048-3

410 # stainless hlau vaj huam sib luag, 029 * 025mm thickness



Kev piav qhia


Vaj Huam Sib Luag: 410 # stainless hlau vaj huam sib luag, 029 * 025mm thickness


Vaj Huam Sib Luag Loj: 710 x 370 x 85 mm


Burner: 100x100mm cam khwb cia hlau honeycomb burner, xim xaiv: kub, nyiaj, dub


Pan Support: 5 pob ntseg nyiaj lauj kaub txhawb nqa, electroplate


Lub tais dej: Stainless hlau dej tais


Ignition: Tsis siv neeg ignition


Gas Yeeb Nkab: 11.5mm roj yeeb nkab, Kuv zoo li txuas


pob qhov rooj: PP dub pob qhov rooj


Taw taw: PP foot sawv


Ntim: Lub hnab yas + 5 txheej xim lub thawv


Gas Hom: LPG


Carton Loj: 715 x 385 x 95 mm


Loading QTY: 20GP / 1150pcs, 40HQ / 2720pcs

Cov kauj ruam rau kev tu thiab tu lub qhov cub roj

1. Kev txawj ntxuav lub qhov cub qhov ncauj thiab ncej
Thaum npaj lub qhov cub lub qhov cub thiab lub qhov cub, tshem lub qhov cub qhov cub thiab lub qhov cub ua ntej, txhuam nws nrog cov txhuam hlau mos, tom qab ntawd npog nws nrog ib daim ntawv phuam hauv tsev, tshuaj tsuag cov tshuaj ntxuav tes, thiab tos tsib los yog rau feeb kom ntxuav nws.
2. Kev ntxuav cov roj stain ntawm lub cooker
Nws yog ib qho yooj yim los lo cov roj stains ntawm lub qhov cub roj.Yog tias koj ntxuav nws nrog dej alkaline, nws yooj yim los ntxuav cov xim.Yog tias koj tsis tuaj yeem ntxuav nws nrog dej huv, koj tuaj yeem siv cov kua nplaum nplaum rau ntawm qhov cub.Thaum nws qhuav lawm, cov nplej kua zaub yuav scab, uas yuav lo cov roj stains ua ke.Ua li no, tsuas yog txhuam nrog ib daim hlau, thiab cov roj stains yuav raug tshem tawm ua ke nrog cov nplej kua zaub scab.Tau kawg, koj tuaj yeem ntxuav nws ncaj qha nrog nyias cov kua zaub thiab noodle kua zaub, los yog txhuam nws nrog cov pob txha cuttlefish, los yog siv cov kua zaub uas tseem tshuav tom qab ua noj noodles rau ntawm nws qhov chaw, thiab tom qab ntawd txhuam nws nrog ib daim ntaub ib pliag, thiab tom qab ntawd. yaug nws nrog dej.
3. Cov txheej txheem ntxuav cov tais diav ua kua zaub
Cov kua zaub ntxiv ntawm lub qhov cub roj yuav tsum tau txhuam yooj yim.Yog tias lub qhov cub kub, koj tuaj yeem siv cov chopsticks los tuav cov ntaub so ntswg thiab ncab hauv qab lub qhov cub kom txhuam.Nws tsis yog yooj yim xwb, tab sis kuj tsis ntshai ntawm kev nyuaj.Koj tuaj yeem khaws lub qhov cub kom huv txhua lub sijhawm;Yog tias muaj ob peb plua plav stains ntawm lub cub tawg, koj tuaj yeem siv cov txhuam xim av dipped hauv dej los ntxuav nws.Tom qab ntxuav thiab ziab, thov ib txheej nyias nyias ntawm cov roj zaub kom tsis txhob xeb.

Peb khaws cia zoo dua thiab ua kom tiav peb cov khoom thiab kev pabcuam.Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, peb ua txoj haujlwm nquag los ua kev tshawb fawb thiab kev txhim kho rau Cheap PriceList for Gas Hob Spare Parts Sabaf Burners, Peb zoo siab tos txais cov neeg tuaj tshiab thiab yav dhau los los ntawm txhua qhov chaw ntawm lub neej los tiv tauj peb rau cov tuam txhab lag luam mus sij hawm ntev thiab ncav cuag kev vam meej!
Pheej yig PriceList rauTuam Tshoj Aluminium Burner thiab Aluminium Gas Burner nqe, "Zoo zoo, Kev pabcuam zoo" yog ib txwm peb lub tswv yim thiab kev ntseeg siab.Peb ua txhua yam los tswj qhov zoo, pob, ntawv thiab lwm yam thiab peb QC yuav xyuas txhua yam thaum tsim khoom thiab ua ntej xa khoom.Peb tau txaus siab los tsim kom muaj kev sib raug zoo ntawm kev lag luam ntev nrog txhua tus neeg uas nrhiav cov khoom zoo thiab cov kev pabcuam zoo.Peb tau teeb tsa kev muag khoom thoob plaws hauv cov tebchaws nyob sab Europe, North of America, South of America, Middle East, Africa, East Asia lub teb chaws.Thov hu rau peb tam sim no, koj yuav pom peb cov kev paub dhau los thiab qib siab zoo yuav pab txhawb rau koj. kev lag luam.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

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